Sunday, March 27, 2022


The house is a valuable treasure for us, because the house is our place to live, our place of refuge, our shelter and a place where the whole family can live. The house is a treasure of high value, in obtaining a house or building a house we must collect a lot of money first, because the price or cost to build it requires a lot of funds. Be grateful for those of you who already have a house, even though it is small, even though the house is credited through a mortgage. But no matter how small the type of house or the size of the house, we definitely want to design the exterior and interior of the house to be beautiful. Creating a garden, beautifying the fence are some examples in our designing the exterior of the house.

Choosing a Kitchen Set with a Minimum Budget

In addition to designing the exterior of the house, designing the interior  of the house is a way for you to make our homes more beautiful, beautiful, elegant, luxurious and much more depending on the view of each person in seeing it. One of the rooms that we need to interior design is the kitchen room.

If you have a beautiful kitchen, desentupidora litoral norte litoral norte the other rooms in the house should also be beautiful and clean, because if you can't take care of the kitchen which in fact is often used for cooking, to prepare food dishes every day you can be sure you are comfortable with dirty or dirty conditions so other rooms will feel comfortable even in dirty or dirty conditions.

To beautify the kitchen space, we usually prefer to use shelves or cabinets, but it would be nice if you use a set of these equipment. By using a kitchen set, your kitchen space will become more beautiful and beautiful to look at, because all kitchen equipment can be neatly arranged and a good kitchen set design can also make your kitchen more luxurious and elegant.

You don't just place a kitchen set in the kitchen room, you have to be able to choose what kind of design is suitable for kitchen conditions. Likewise, adjust the costs you have to spend in making a kitchen set, I'm afraid you've already made a kitchen set that doesn't match our expectations.

Here are easy tips for choosing a kitchen set design for people who don't understand interior design, especially in the design of the kitchen room.

  1. In terms of design or model , adjust to the conditions of your kitchen space, in general the kitchen is divided into 2, namely a dirty kitchen and a clean kitchen. Most of the models for kitchen sets are L, I or U-shaped.
  2. Know the materials used,  the majority of making kitchen sets now use plywood, because in terms of manufacture it doesn't take a long time. Usually for the materials we need to know, namely Multiplex and HPL which are used to beautify the coating.
  3. Choose a motif and color,  you can adjust the motif and color of the kitchen set to the color of your kitchen, for this you must know the motif and color of the HPL used to cover the kitchen set. If your budget is sufficient, you can choose HPL that has good quality and good color motifs according to your kitchen space.
  4. Determine the location of the cabinets and drawers, of  course we want the kitchen set in addition to beautifying your space so that it is easy to place kitchen equipment, so we need to determine the number and location of the cabinets and drawers needed.
  5. Complete with a cooker hood if necessary,  the Cooker Hood has a function to suck the smoke and hot steam generated from the cooking process, so using a cooker hood can also make your kitchen set furniture more durable.
  6. Take into account the budget you have, of  course the most important thing is the funds we need to make the kitchen set we want. You can minimize the budget by choosing a vendor or manufacturer and also the materials used to make the kitchen set. For this we have to bring the vendor to our house first to see the condition of the kitchen and ask to calculate the approximate funds needed to make it.
  7. Choose a professional vendor, a professional vendor does not have to be from a big company, but one who dares to give good quality results, from the materials used and the resulting kitchen set, the time spent working on does not wait too long.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Tips for Choosing the Right Tour Bus Rental For Travel

The end of 2022 is approaching, many of us definitely want to travel with our family or loved ones. By traveling we can unwind and strengthen relationships with people we care about.

To travel, we often choose to use bus transportation. Tips for choosing a tour bus rental for your vacation trip is very important to know. Remembering the tour bus is one of the things that affects the success of the tourist activities you do. 

Pay Attention to Tips for Choosing a Quality Tour Bus Rental

The convenience factor and cost efficiency during the trip are the reasons why many people choose to rent a tour bus . So choosing the right bus rental provides many advantages. 

In order to facilitate your vacation, then you should pay attention to the following accommodation tips and tricks. 

Choose a Quality Bus and Good Condition

The first is to make a bus reservation by coming directly to the bus rental place that you have specified. If you place an order online, don't be afraid, you can check bus rental some of the testimonials and reviews from the service provider's customers. 

When placing an order, the service will ask for data in the form of the date of bus use, duration of bus use, tourist destinations, total passenger capacity, and the agreed cost price. Check the vehicle that will be used. At least you know the condition of the vehicle. 

Choose an Experienced Driver

Drivers are another determinant that provides comfort and safety for your vacation. Make sure you get an experienced driver who has a license and knows the terrain to be traversed.

Check Bus Facilities

It is important to know the supporting instruments for bus operations before traveling. These facilities are able to meet your needs in accordance with the costs incurred. Starting from AC, TV multimedia devices, comfortable chairs, spacious legroom, plug charger, dvd mic karaoke, toilets and much more. 

Serving Trips To Various Cities

In a tourism trip, of course, there are many interesting tourist objects. So it is mandatory, your bus should provide the best service to take you to various cities. This makes it easier for you to enjoy your vacation with fun. 

Compare Prices

Choosing a tour bus must pay attention to the price offered. Because loyal services offer different prices. Do a survey first regarding the price. Services that rent buses at reasonable prices are the right choice for you. 

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Interested Online Business Ideas During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the unemployment rate to increase due to many businesses collapsing. This also makes many conventional businesses start switching to online systems. Yup, since social distancing aka PSBB, almost all company activities use technology online . This new habit also gave birth to many business ideas that were not thought of before. 

Want to have a new business in the midst of a pandemic? Come on, take note of five online business ideas that you can consider right now! 

1. Accountant Advisor

On social media, the topic of financial education is no longer a new thing. Especially since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic which has had a huge impact on the finances of various levels of society. Therefore, like it or not, many people are starting to be financially literate and interested in learning about financial planning. Well, 20s business ideas to start for those of you who have strong  accounting basics, you can really try opening an accountant advisor service . 

2. Buy and Sell Vintage Items

Do you realize that the trend for vintage items is starting to get hype again? Don't think about old vintage  items such as paintings or historical relics. But simple things like clothes, traditional toys, unique props, or watches. If you have a collection of classic items like this, there's nothing wrong with selling them again or maybe you can rent them out for your photography needs. With interesting promotions and marketing content, your collection can come to a lot of money!

3. Virtual Assistant

Working from home or school from home  makes a lot of parents even more busy. They have to work at home while taking care of their children: accompanying online schools, making sure that schoolwork is done, and much more. This can be used as a business idea! You can open a virtual assistant service to accompany homeschooling children , become a personal shopper, and other household needs. 

4. Pet Care

Like animals? Have experience caring for pets? This ability of yours can also be a brilliant business idea! During the pandemic, many people who have pets are hesitant to groom or leave their animals at the pet shop. You can open a call pet care  service . Apart from grooming , you can also offer dog/cat walking services, or animal care. 

5. Digital Course

Have knowledge about selling online  or other knowledge in the digital field ? Now is the time for you to share those skills in the form of online courses . There are many things you can teach in digital courses , for example, how to edit photos using Photoshop to sell well, how to advertise on Facebook Ads , or how to create interesting content on Instagram . 

6. Selling Bike Accessories

Since the New Normal,  the trend of riding has become more and more hits . People's interest in buying bicycles is increasing. Don't miss this opportunity! You can sell various bicycle accessories, such as LED bicycle lights, q bell invisible, bicycle saddle bag , and others. You can sell it via social media or e-commerce

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tips When Choosing an Online Course

Peace be with all of us, hopefully eCampuz friends who are reading this article will always be blessed with kindness, Amen. Accompanied by a cup of hot coffee tonight, I remember the times when I had to wrestle with various preparations for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification organized by the Project Management Institute (PMI). At that time the search for online courses was not as easy as thought. During the current Corona pandemic, maybe eCampuz friends #at home also want to improve their skills through online courses. Therefore, I would like to share tips based on personal experience when looking for suitable training. Hopefully it can provide insight 

1. First determine the goals you want to achieve

For me at that time, setting goals was very easy. Pursuing PMP and PMI-PMP certifications is a very clear goal. The question is, is it possible for someone who has no purpose then suddenly take an online course just like that? Well , you can, but goal setting will prevent a person from wasting his resources, especially time (which we all know, will never come back). Second, setting goals will make it easier for someone to go through all stages/series of training with all dedication.

And by the way , there are 2 types of certificates that can be easily identified with the following functions: Certificate of Completion , which is a certificate which essentially only serves as proof that we have participated in activities organized by the organizers only; Certificate of Competency, now if this is a certificate that can really be used as evidence that we as participants have increased abilities because there is an exam or assessment held by the course provider. Again, it depends on your initial goals, whether the goals are just to join the training to abort obligations or just to fill your spare time, or indeed because you need a verified skill (at least by the organizer).

2. Find the right material

If the destination has been determined, it's time for ' window shopping '. There are not a few institutions that provide online courses in this world. If you are more comfortable with serving in a foreign language, there are also online training institutions, including those organized by universities. Then, the ending of this online course, of course, is a certificate. Read and pay close attention to the description of the material objectives, syllabus, and lesson plans. Find out how much sense the description makes to get you closer to your original goals when you want to take the course. 

3. Pay attention to the credibility of the presenters and or organizers

Certificate of completion usually does not require high credibility from the speaker or organizer side. Unlike the Certificate of competency, it usually requires high credibility from the organizer. If I may mention one name, for example, , how dare he give a certificate of expertise? Nope, never! Simply because only aggregates training content. does not have the competence to conduct assessments or final exams . It's a different matter if it's HarvardX or MIT for example, in addition to providing online courses, they also provide final exams to confirm learning and applied science concepts (for example) that have been given to participants in online classes. In career life, in Industry, which type of certificate do you need? If you are currently a job seeker let alone a fresh graduate, then the main goal is recognition, and I suggest targeting online courses that provide certificates of competency. 

4. Pay attention to the added value offered

job seeker who is determined to take online courses to increase the coffers of recognition of certain professional skills or knowledge, will prefer to choose an organizing agency that can help him get a job, or get a job. Well, that's from my personal point of view, but it makes sense doesn't it?

5. Discipline

It is undeniable, the internet connection used when taking online courses also presents a temptation that can be a dangerous distraction to open social media accounts and online media news for nowhere. For that make sure your browser opens only one tab for the online course, yes and temporarily turn off media notifications. social. Determine the specific time and discipline to consume this online course that is being undertaken. Again, focus and discipline.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Consider these 3 things before choosing a cleaning service

One type of service that is most needed by society today is cleaning service . Its popularity is not only limited to retail and office areas, you know, Ma, households are starting to use this service a lot.

The reason is, there are many benefits that can be obtained from this professional cleaning service compared to doing it yourself. In addition to saving time, cleaning services are able to clean the house in detail and thoroughly, and are supported by sophisticated equipment that is able to completely expel dust and germs. Dedetizadora

In addition, this cleaning service is also a helper for mothers when household members suddenly apply for leave or resign.

1. Compare prices

The proliferation of cleaning services makes the prices offered per service very competitive. Therefore, don't be lazy to compare prices, Ma.

There are cleaning services that offer prices in the form of packages consisting of several types of cleaning services, and some also set prices based on each type of service selected.

Cleaning service fees are usually determined from the duration of time during the work process or based on the area to be cleaned.

2. Choose the type of service according to your needs

Before deciding to call a cleaning service , you should first consider the type of service or facilities available. There are service providers who offer complete house cleaning packages, from sweeping, mopping, cleaning the bathroom, kitchen to washing and rubbing clothes.

There are also types of unit services that you can choose from if you only need one or two types of cleaning services.

For example, hydro-cleaning services are currently on the rise because they are able to suck up dust and kill mites that usually nest on fabric surfaces such as mattresses, sofas, carpets or curtains . As is well known that dust and mites are the main enemies for asthmatics.

So, you should adjust the type of service to your needs. If you feel that not all areas need to be cleaned, then choose a service that specializes in cleaning only one piece of furniture or area. This, of course, saves time and money.

Don't hesitate to ask for the completeness of the tools that will be used for cleaning. A bona fide cleaning service provider is usually supported by sophisticated equipment and experienced workers.

3. Reviews from netizens

Finally, you should find out about the information on the cleaning service provider that you chose. Read reviews from people who have used these service providers on websites or social media.

There are several service providers that provide bonuses or additional facilities for their customers. For example, by freeing shipping costs or providing aroma therapy facilities with essential oils during the process.

Therefore, don't hesitate to check in more detail about the facilities and prices offered as well as reviews from people who have used these services so that Mama feels more confident and satisfied with the results obtained.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Mariupol besieged, Russia allows civilians to evacuate

Civilians were allowed to leave the city of Mariupol, Ukraine, for five hours on Saturday (5/3/2022) from 12 to 17 Moscow time (16-21 WIB), the Russian news agency RIA quoted in a report as saying.

Earlier, Russia said that its troops, which had surrounded the port city on the Sea of ​​Azov, would stop attacks and allow civilians to pass.

Mariupol mayor Vadym Boychenko on Friday called for military assistance as the city ran out of drinking water, electricity and fuel for heating, while food supplies were also running low.

He also called for a "humanitarian corridor" to evacuate 400,000 residents after the city was bombarded by Russian forces for five days.

"We are literally being crushed," Boychenko said in a televised broadcast.

He described the Russian attack as "indiscriminate" because it attacked residential areas and hospitals.

"They want to eliminate Mariupol and the people of Mariupol from the face of the earth," he said.

Russia has said its military action was not designed to occupy Ukraine but to destroy its neighbor's military capabilities and capture "dangerous nationalists". Moscow denies targeting civilians.

The Ukrainian army is trying to defend Mariupol but needs sufficient support, said the deputy commander of the Azov military unit Tamil News Live Tv Channels, part of the Ukrainian National Guard.

"This is the last city that prevents the formation of a land corridor from Russia to Crimea," he said on Azov's official Telegram channel, introducing himself by the nickname "Kalyna".

"Mariupol must not fall," he said.

A number of Mariupol residents had fled to the city center to escape rocket attacks on the outskirts, Ivan Yermolayev said.

The 30-year-old businessman who took refuge in a small room under his house joined the queue to get water from a well.

"They took their children to the center (of the city) and heard the war was drawing near," he told Reuters in an online message.

Let’s Build A Cooperative, Step 1: Collect Information, Clarify Needs, and Assemble your Founding Members

Through all of the above, workshop UMKM his work brings people together to understand and experiment with their individual and mutual roles...