Basically, vehicle insurance is a very important requirement for all car owners. The profit and loss problem of using car insurance really depends on choosing the right protection. You also have to be observant in choosing the right insurance company and get to know the various types of good car insurance first.
Types of Car Insurance
In general, medical credentialling there are 2 types of car insurance in Indonesia, namely All Risk Insurance with Total Lost Only or TLO Insurance. Each type of car insurance has its own differences, so you must know the types of insurance one by one, before determining the type of insurance for your car.
Total Lost Only or TLO Insurance
TLO is a type of insurance that provides protection for vehicles with damage above 75%, lost cars due to theft and robbery on the highway or anywhere. If the car damage has not reached 75%, then you cannot make a claim. A car that is damaged is around 75%, so the car cannot be used. TLO usually asks for an affordable premium, so many people choose the TLO type of car insurance.
All Risk Insurance
Alk risk is one type of insurance that is ready to provide compensation for all car damage and will replace a car that is lost, stolen or robbed. All risk insurance claims can be made for cars with minor to severe damage. However, all risk insurance usually asks for a large premium, so that many people object.
Tips for Determining Profitable Car Insurance
Premium Offered
With different financial conditions, insurance companies offer various car insurance premium prices. This type of all risk insurance does provide a very large premium cost, which is around 2 to 3% of the price of a car, while TLO offers a premium price of around 0.8% to 1% of the price of the car.
Consideration of car insurance premiums is very important, don't let you choose insurance based on prestige alone and do not consider financial conditions. The higher the premium value offered, the better the service quality is not guaranteed. If you have a great financial condition, then you can choose all risk insurance.
Year Cars Offered
When you want to choose car insurance, then you also need to pay attention to the year of car protection. Cars that have old years, usually will have a cheap selling price and this will make the insurance value small, especially when the car is over 10 years old. Most insurance companies will not accept claims for vehicles that are over 15 years of age.
Old cars also have a high risk of damage and the damage will easily spread, so for old vehicles you can choose the all risk type of insurance. For new cars that are rarely damaged, you can choose the type of TLO insurance. A new car will have a small risk of being damaged, most often scratches or scuffs.
Residence Location
To choose quality car insurance, you need to consider where you live. If you have a house that is quiet with a vehicle, the risk of an accident is very small and you can choose the type of TLO insurance. If your place of residence has heavy traffic with a high risk of accidents, then you need to choose all risk insurance.
Credible Company
Now car insurance services are not only from Indonesia, but many insurance companies also come from abroad. The average company will provide the same benefits, even though the amount of premium offered varies. With so many choices of insurance companies, you should consider them well.
Location is also one of the professional indicators of an insurance company, make sure you choose a car insurance company that covers all of Indonesia. Indeed, there are still many private companies whose services are not evenly distributed. If you frequently travel outside the city by using a private car, it is important that you choose insurance that has a wide coverage.
You also have to choose an insurance company that is legal or legal and one of the indicators is being registered with the financial services authority or OJK. By choosing a credible company, the selected car insurance will be safer and you will also avoid bad insurance services or not according to the agreement.
Make a Comparison
To choose a car insurance company, then you have to make comparisons of various companies. Don't get hung up on just one company. The more you make comparisons, the more references you get. Look for the auto insurance company that offers the most benefits.
The basic difference between insurance companies is the amount of premiums, policies and benefits to be provided. Many new insurance companies offer many promos, often even providing free premiums. Don't get caught up with new company promos easily, because the quality of service is not necessarily good.
You also have to look at the track record of an auto insurance company. If the company is indifferent to customer claims, then this type of insurance is not healthy. Professional insurance companies usually have official websites that customers can access and quality companies usually have reputable websites.
Car Usage Quantity
If you often use a car for various activities, then you can choose the all risk type of insurance. Cars with frequent use will have a very large risk of damage. For those of you who use a car at any time, then you can choose TLO car insurance. Cars that are rarely used will have a low risk of accidents.
Showroom Protection
When you buy a car in a showroom, the showroom often offers free maintenance and protection for several years. If the free service is long, then you can choose the TLO type of insurance. For a free showroom service that lasts for a long time, then you can choose an all risk insurance service.
Cost Considerations
All vehicle owners would want an all-risk insurance service, because this service is total. But you also have to consider the costs you have. If you have a large fee, then you are suitable to choose all risk insurance. But when your costs are mediocre, then you can choose the type of TLO insurance.
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