Monochromatic colors can be used for home interior design. Although it is a bit difficult to implement, with the right considerations, a monochromatic color scheme using one color in various gradations, along with a variety of textures will give amazing results. On the other hand, of course, it is feared that it will produce a look that looks monotonous and boring.
Actually, home interior automatic telescopic sliding door operator design with a monochromatic concept is not just a choice of black and white colors. Several other basic colors can also be used. If you are interested in implementing a monochromatic color scheme for home interior design, there are a few tips to consider.
Tips for home interior design with monochromatic colors
1. Color Selection
One of the inaccurate understandings in the application of monochromatic colors is the color used. Many people think that monochromatic colors are limited to neutral colors such as white, gray, beige , or black. Basically, you can use any color like red, blue, purple, and green. Monochromatic means one color, but that doesn't mean you can only use one color variation. You can use several shades of blue such as sky blue, navy , and pale blue in one room for a monochromatic look.
2. Don't Forget Texture
The key to a room with a monochromatic scheme doesn't look boring is a game of texture. In the absence of other colors, the use of patterns and textures is more important than previously thought. For this purpose, use feather rugs, glossy glass tables, textured curtains, carved wood furniture, artwork displays, or patterned decorative pillows.
3. Starting from a Small Room
For those of you who are still hesitant to design a room with monochromatic colors, you can start with a small room such as a bathroom. The use of one color in the bathroom gives a calming effect and this is what many people are looking for. On the other hand, a monochromatic bathroom will appear larger than it actually is.
4. Monochromatic Color Indoor Shape Game
If you choose neutral colors for a monochromatic room design, it is very important to use a variety of different types of materials and shapes. This step will strengthen the character and dimensions of the room. You can use an unusually shaped table or chair, a unique lamp model, or display an abstract sculpture.
5. Contrasting Colors As Focal Points of the Room
For a more charming look, you can add an element with a color that contrasts with the overall monochromatic color in the room. This item will be the focal point . The addition of contrasting colors like this will also be an additional visual interest that will liven up the room in the house.
6. Use of Soft Colors
The use of light colors in the design of a monochromatic color space requires a commitment of its own. If you are not ready for this, start by using soft colors, especially for the color of the walls of the house. Decide from the beginning the basic color you want to apply in the room. Keep in mind, choose the type of color gradation that is the softest. In some cases, the color will look like white, but when applied, the result will still be different.
7. Use of Bold Colors
There are several things that need to be considered when applying bright and bold colors such as red, orange, and yellow in a monochromatic room. You can apply the color in small doses and spread it throughout the room so you don't overdo it. In addition, you can combine it with neutral colors like white and black, to break up the concentration of colors that are too dense for a more captivating finish.
As the simplest step, you only need to add one element with a contrasting texture or color in a monochromatic room. As a finishing touch that instantly makes the room look more alive. You can apply it to the selection of sofas, curtains, or frames on the wall that instantly become the focal point as soon as you enter the room.
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