In today’s competitive world, a degree is the surest way to climb your career ladder. It helps you to get closer to your goals and is a representation of your knacks and skills. It is hard to imagine a successful career (entrepreneurs excluded) without a degree. Therefore it is a must in order to lunch into a great career where your skills are properly utilized. But at times, many of us do lag behind due to the absence of a college degree. The reasons can be many for not getting a college degree but the reciprocations are more or less the same. To ensure that you never face such circumstances just because you don’t have a college degree, many universities in the United States and Europe have come up with online college degrees, which help you get a valid degree while you work. Sometime such online degrees help you to complete your college education while you earn for it. Rate of admission
The Health and Human Services building is located near the Library. The BGSU campus police station as well as counseling services are located in the College Park Office Building on the southern edge. Kohl Hall is a dormitory exclusive to members of the Chapman Learning Community, Partners in Context and Community for Urban Educators. A new, predominantly freshman dormitory known as Centennial Hall was established in 2011 and is adjacent to the Carillon Place Dining facility. The southern edge hosts on-campus fraternity and sorority houses. Nearby is the Kreischer Quadrangle and the Alumni Mall. Kreischer quadrangle contains four connected halls, Ashley, Batchelder, Compton, and Darrow, that operate as separate units. Kreischer features a late night dining hall called The Sundial as well as a convenience store in Kreischer-Ashley. Kreischer-Compton is home to the Arts Village Learning Community, for students with interests in dance, art, creative writing, theater, or music. This community offers members-only classes.
After the workshop, participants should have an understanding of GFE and be able to: 1) develop effective outcomes for their course, 2) develop assessments for the outcomes, 3) develop a plan for assessing outcomes, allowing assessment retakes, and assigning grades based only on outcome assessments. No equipment is required beyond what is needed to attend the conference virtually. This hands-on virtual workshop will introduce high school and college instructors to CSAwesome, a free Java curriculum and ebook for the Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science (CS) A course. This course is equivalent to a college-level CS1 course in Java. The free ebook on the Runestone platform includes executable Java code examples and problems, mixed-up code (Parsons problems), multiple-choice problems, coding challenges, and support for collaboration. The workshop will be led by the CSAwesome ebook authors. All workshop activities will be online, featuring live demonstrations, participant activities and breakout rooms differentiated depending on the participants’ Java experience. Workshop participants can use a laptop or tablet to access the online curriculum.
Most startups fail. Overall, the home runs are few, but they do occur. For example, I know some people who joined Oculus prior to it being acquired by Facebook. Startups are a very different work environment than established big companies. They are typically small, informal, agile, and lacking in resources. They may be more flexible in work environment than most Fortune 500 companies. But they are also less likely to have knowledgable HR personnel who ensure that laws are followed. A paycheck from a Fortune 500 company is not likely to bounce. Startups tend to fire quickly and are more likely to shut down. A startup has a limited amount of time and resources to establish itself so that it can become self sustaining or an acquisition target. That means it is not a place to pursue long-term research, no matter what the founders may say. The best analogy I heard: Joining a startup is like deciding to jump off a tall cliff with a bunch of other people, believing that you will successfully build working sets of wings and will soar away prior to hitting the ground.
Workshop sessions will include presentations, panel-based Q&A, an experience report, breakout group discussions, and hands-on activities. Let’s compute, create, and collaborate! Workshop registration fees and adoption and implementation stipend of $500 will be covered by an NSF grant for the first 10 participants who submit their own one-page statement of purpose to the organizers and participate fully in the workshop. Are you looking for new ways to better engage your students? Do you want to try making your Computer Science course more attractive? We can help! Come and see what the OneUp course gamification platform offers! In this workshop you will learn how you can gamify your own classes using game design elements such as avatars, points, leaderboards, progress bars, goal-setting, badges, virtual currency, duels, etc., and will get hands-on practice with using OneUp. For each workshop attendee, an OneUp course shell will be created and populated with sample data for individual use. For this virtual workshop, you will need the Chrome web browser installed on your laptop/computer, so that you can connect to OneUp.
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