Friday, July 17, 2020

How to Write SEO Friendly Articles

Writing may be easy for some people and difficult for others. Even more so if you have to write articles that are SEO friendly. This guide to how to write SEO friendly articles will make it easier for you to write articles according to Google's standards. So your article will be friendly to search engines but still good for humans to read.

Complete Guide to Writing SEO Friendly Articles

How to Write Quality SEO Friendly Articles
  1. Site Title / Title
The title is one of the things that is very important so that our article or writing can rank well in search engines. If the title is wrong then a good article will be useless. For that we must understand how to write a good site title. This is a very fundamental way to write SEO articles.

Writing the site title is actually the main key is to have to enter keywords into the title. Keywords can be placed sequentially or separately depending on the situation and conditions. What do you mean by separate and sequential keywords? For example like this, suppose the keyword written is "selling jogja cars" then we can write the title in two ways.

Example titles with sequential keywords, "Selling New and Second Cheap Jogja Cars". So there is no word separator between keywords. The second with separate keywords, "Selling New and Second Cheap Cars in Jogja". So the keyword "selling jogja cars" is not placed sequentially but separately.
Then is it good sequential or separate? Actually it's the same, because even if a separate keyword Google will still be able to read the article when someone typed "selling jogja cars" on search engines. But if you use the Yoast SEO plugin then it's best to put them in sequence. The point is separate or sequentially adjusted according to needs.
  1. URL
URL or Slug is the address of the article we write. Usually written in the format www.example. com / keywords. Writing the right slug is to enter keywords in it. Can be full of keywords, can also only partially if the keywords are too long.

Don't equate slug with site title. The URL of our article should be solid and reflect what we write. If the site title is "Selling New and Second Cheap Jogja Cars" then the slug is

enough www.example. com / sell-cars- jogja or www.example .com / sell-cars-jogja-cheap. Many underestimate how to write SEO articles on this one.
  1. Number of Keywords / Keyword Density
In writing quality SEO Friendly articles the number of keywords in an article is very important. We must be able to enter keywords with the right amount, not too and not too little. This is sometimes still not understood by many people. Most of them just enter keywords without counting the amount.
If that is the case then it can potentially cause the article to contain too many keywords or it could also be short of keywords. Articles that contain too many keywords how to write seo friendly article can be considered spam by Google. As a result, articles become difficult to move up in search engines or worse, it disappears from Google or deindex.

The ideal number of keywords is 0.75 to 2 percent on each article. Even so usually the most frequently used is 1 to 1.5 percent. So that an article does not stack too many keywords. So the article remains easy to read and the keywords don't seem forced.
  1. Keyword Placement
The fourth way to write SEO friendly articles is about keyword placement. Although seemingly trivial, the placement of these keywords is very important. Because it will determine whether the article is readable or not. A good keyword is a placement spread and evenly distributed throughout the article.

Do not pile up keywords in one place, for example the beginning of the article or the end of the article. Place keywords evenly from the first paragraph to the last paragraph. Not that every paragraph must be given a keyword. Just adjust the number of keywords or keyword density.
Be sure to place one keyword in the first paragraph. It would be better if the keywords could be in the first sentence. But if you can't, don't force it to do it. It's also important to place keywords at the end of the article or the last paragraph because this is good for search engines.
  1. Derived Keywords and Synonyms

Writing quality SEO friendly articles, one of which must include derivative keywords and keyword synonyms. Derived keywords are keywords that are still related to the main keywords. For example, the main keyword is "jogja car rental", then the keyword can be "jogja cheap car rental", "jogja daily car rental", "jogja car rental off key", and others.

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