Monday, July 27, 2020

Erectile Disorders Can Be Caused By Diabetes

There are many complications of diabetes that you should be aware of. However, this one complication you might not expect. Yes, diabetes turns out to be related to impotence, which is a condition in which a man has difficulty reaching or maintaining penile erections. What is the relationship between impotence and diabetes? Find out complete information about erectile disorders due to diabetes below.

What is an erectile disorder?

Erectile disorders or impotence is the inability to start and maintain an erection during intercourse. Erections that occur on the penis are not hard enough and cannot maintain an erection so that it cannot penetrate into the vagina. Erectile cialis españa disorders that take place continuously can reduce self-confidence and affect the quality of relationships between partners.

Is impotence caused by diabetes?

Unfortunately, impotence is a common thing experienced by men with diabetes. About 35 to 75 percent of men with diabetes experience erectile disorders. Worse, this is often ignored by people with diabetes because it occurs slowly. Often they are not aware that this is one of the complications of diabetes itself.
The cause of impotence in diabetic patients is very complicated, namely in the form of changes in the body that cause interference with blood vessels and nerves. High blood sugar levels can damage the function of blood vessels so that they cannot get an erection to the maximum.
The erection process occurs when blood flow flows into the penis and blood vessels in the penis "trap" the blood to settle in the penis. If blood vessel function is disrupted, blood cannot settle completely in the penis so that the erectile condition cannot be maintained.
In addition, high sugar levels can also damage the peripheral nerves that disrupt the erection process. Impotence can also be related to high blood pressure and coronary heart disease which is also commonly experienced by people with diabetes.
Other causes that can cause impotence are psychological factors, such as stress or insecurity when having sex with men with diabetes. Vice versa, erectile disorders can cause psychological stress which results in decreased libido which then aggravates erectile disorders.

How do you overcome impotence in diabetic patients?

Many men are reluctant to go to the doctor to check this condition. Don't let shyness stop you from treating this condition early on. Impotence is common in men with diabetes. Erectile disorders do not occur suddenly, but a process that runs slowly is often not realized. If you feel you have an erectile disorder, immediately consult a doctor to get a comprehensive treatment.
The key to managing erectile disorders in diabetics is to control blood sugar levels. Tell your doctor about the symptoms that occur to you so that the doctor can provide proper treatment. Consumption of diabetes medications recommended by doctors regularly and regular exercise can help control blood sugar levels.
Also check your other health problems that can worsen erectile disorders, such as high blood pressure or psychological problems (depression, anxiety, etc.). Your doctor will give you blood pressure-lowering medications that are routinely taken or recommend consulting with a psychologist or mental health doctor who will help you deal with this condition.
Overweight or what is referred to as obesity is also one of the risk factors for erectile disorders. Weight loss can help in impotence therapy. Also reduce bad habits such as smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Hello Health Group and Hello Sehat do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please check our editorial policy page for more detailed information.

Friday, July 17, 2020

How to Write SEO Friendly Articles

Writing may be easy for some people and difficult for others. Even more so if you have to write articles that are SEO friendly. This guide to how to write SEO friendly articles will make it easier for you to write articles according to Google's standards. So your article will be friendly to search engines but still good for humans to read.

Complete Guide to Writing SEO Friendly Articles

How to Write Quality SEO Friendly Articles
  1. Site Title / Title
The title is one of the things that is very important so that our article or writing can rank well in search engines. If the title is wrong then a good article will be useless. For that we must understand how to write a good site title. This is a very fundamental way to write SEO articles.

Writing the site title is actually the main key is to have to enter keywords into the title. Keywords can be placed sequentially or separately depending on the situation and conditions. What do you mean by separate and sequential keywords? For example like this, suppose the keyword written is "selling jogja cars" then we can write the title in two ways.

Example titles with sequential keywords, "Selling New and Second Cheap Jogja Cars". So there is no word separator between keywords. The second with separate keywords, "Selling New and Second Cheap Cars in Jogja". So the keyword "selling jogja cars" is not placed sequentially but separately.
Then is it good sequential or separate? Actually it's the same, because even if a separate keyword Google will still be able to read the article when someone typed "selling jogja cars" on search engines. But if you use the Yoast SEO plugin then it's best to put them in sequence. The point is separate or sequentially adjusted according to needs.
  1. URL
URL or Slug is the address of the article we write. Usually written in the format www.example. com / keywords. Writing the right slug is to enter keywords in it. Can be full of keywords, can also only partially if the keywords are too long.

Don't equate slug with site title. The URL of our article should be solid and reflect what we write. If the site title is "Selling New and Second Cheap Jogja Cars" then the slug is

enough www.example. com / sell-cars- jogja or www.example .com / sell-cars-jogja-cheap. Many underestimate how to write SEO articles on this one.
  1. Number of Keywords / Keyword Density
In writing quality SEO Friendly articles the number of keywords in an article is very important. We must be able to enter keywords with the right amount, not too and not too little. This is sometimes still not understood by many people. Most of them just enter keywords without counting the amount.
If that is the case then it can potentially cause the article to contain too many keywords or it could also be short of keywords. Articles that contain too many keywords how to write seo friendly article can be considered spam by Google. As a result, articles become difficult to move up in search engines or worse, it disappears from Google or deindex.

The ideal number of keywords is 0.75 to 2 percent on each article. Even so usually the most frequently used is 1 to 1.5 percent. So that an article does not stack too many keywords. So the article remains easy to read and the keywords don't seem forced.
  1. Keyword Placement
The fourth way to write SEO friendly articles is about keyword placement. Although seemingly trivial, the placement of these keywords is very important. Because it will determine whether the article is readable or not. A good keyword is a placement spread and evenly distributed throughout the article.

Do not pile up keywords in one place, for example the beginning of the article or the end of the article. Place keywords evenly from the first paragraph to the last paragraph. Not that every paragraph must be given a keyword. Just adjust the number of keywords or keyword density.
Be sure to place one keyword in the first paragraph. It would be better if the keywords could be in the first sentence. But if you can't, don't force it to do it. It's also important to place keywords at the end of the article or the last paragraph because this is good for search engines.
  1. Derived Keywords and Synonyms

Writing quality SEO friendly articles, one of which must include derivative keywords and keyword synonyms. Derived keywords are keywords that are still related to the main keywords. For example, the main keyword is "jogja car rental", then the keyword can be "jogja cheap car rental", "jogja daily car rental", "jogja car rental off key", and others.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Latest Youtube SEO Learning Guide

Youtube is currently the biggest search engine after Google. The algorithm used by YouTube to determine which videos are on the first page does have a difference with the website, because YouTube's main content is video. By applying SEO Youtube properly, you can get the chance to get a greater number of viewers. Then how is it done? Take it easy we have prepared the latest Youtube SEO study guide that you can make a guideline.

What is Youtube SEO?

Youtube SEO is one technique to do video optimization in order to get a good ranking in YouTube search results. By practicing SEO Youtube properly then the opportunity for video is on the first page so that a lot of views by an increasingly large audience.

Youtube until now still uses keywords as a way to find videos. What distinguishes the two is only the medium, one in the form download google input tool offline of writing and the other in the form of video. Now for that you need to do some SEO Youtube techniques that are correct in order to compete with other videos.

Youtube SEO Techniques

1. Video quality

Quality video will make viewers feel at home watching the video until it's finished. There are a number of things that make video quality such as video quality, good audio, video capture techniques and good editing techniques. And don't forget that the content in the video also has to attract viewers, so that viewers can come back again and subscribe to see other videos.

2. Keyword research

In making videos, you also need to do research first. Do not let you already make videos with good quality but no viewers are looking for. For that, do in-depth research about Youtube video content with Youtube SEO tools that are widely available today. Look for videos that have a lot of searches.

3. Determine the title and description

Using titles and descriptions containing keywords will increase the SEO score of the video. You can do this Youtube SEO trick after doing keyword research, then you can add long tail keywords from the main keywords of the video with the addition of CTA on interesting videos. Keep in mind do not make videos that contain clickbait, i.e. the video title and the contents of the video are different so that makes the audience disappointed.

4. Add keyword tags

Tags on Youtube become one of the things that is read by the Youtube engine. The use of tags that are good and right will help make it easier for your video to be found on the Youtube search page. Each video allows you to add 30-40 keyword tags depending on the number of words used. To determine what tags you need to add, you can use Youtube SEO tools such as, VidIQ, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Keyword Everywhere and others.

5. Make an embed and video link

Embed and video links can help increase the promotion of your old videos so they are easily found by viewers. You can insert your old video on a new video with a note that there is still a connection. In addition you can embed videos on your website or blog by adding HTML scripts. With this opportunity your video will be seen more and more so that it adds views and video subscribers.

6. Perform routine updates

As with websites, you need to do regular updates to the Youtube channel for good SEO. That way there will be many subscribers who are willing to wait for new videos from your channel.

7. Promote videos

After you do all the SEO Youtube technicalities, the last step is to do a video promotion. There are many ways you can do to promote a video one of them by using social media. Social media has an important role for content marketing especially with the form of video. You can simply share to social media that you can have with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts.
If possible, you can do paid video promotions using advertisements. You can use advertising services from Google, Facebook and other advertising media.

By practicing all the latest Youtube SEO study guides discussed above, the opportunity to get YouTube views and ranking is even greater. If your video aims to search for AdSense, then your income can increase along with the number of video views. In addition you can use video to sell products directly or accept cooperation with brands.

What Are the Causes of Impotence and How Can You Overcome It?

What Is Impotence?

In the medical world, impotence is also commonly referred to as erectile dysfunction. This is a condition where the penis is not able to be tense enough to have sex, or can be tense but not long enough to complete sexual activity.

Under normal circumstances, erections occur due to the body's natural chemical reactions. When a man experiences sexual arousal, the brain will send nitrogen oxide compounds to the penis area which then causes the muscles of the penis to relax until the blood vessels in the penis widen. Blood will flow in and be held inside. This is what makes the penis become hard and stiff.

After achieving sexual cialis sans ordonnance satisfaction, the muscles of the penis will tighten again, the blood vessels will gradually shrink back so that the blood that was previously held inside will flow out of the penis area. As a result, the penis back becomes weak and shrinks.

In the case of impotence, the series of processes does not take place smoothly. It could be that the blood vessels in the penis are not able to widen so that blood cannot enter to cause an erection. It could also, not enough blood entering or the blood is flowing too fast out of the penis area, so that the erection disappears.

Who is at risk?

Most people assume that impotence only affects older men. Because naturally, penis performance is likely to continue to decline with increasing age. It's just a fact, not a few young adult men who also experience similar sexual problems.

According to Asian Journal of Andrology data, the number of impotence sufferers in Indonesia is around 15% in men aged 20-29 years, around 30% in men aged 30-39 years, around 41% in men aged 40-49 years, and most are men aged 50 and over reach 70%.

What Are the Causes of Impotence?

Impotence can be caused by various types of health disorders, which can be broadly grouped into two, namely physical health disorders and psychological health disorders. Here are some examples and explanations:

Physical Health Disorders:

  • Aging
    The older a person is, the greater the risk of developing impotence. That is because the production of the hormone testosterone which naturally will decrease with age. In addition, older men generally also have other health problems that can also inhibit the process of erection.
  • Highcholesterol The amount of cholesterol in the body that is too high will accumulate in blood vessels. As a result, narrowing or even blockage of blood vessels occurs. This situation is clearly the opposite to the erectile condition where blood vessels should dilate.
  • High blood pressure High bloodpressure causes the blood to become thicker so that the flow is obstructed. In fact, the penis requires a smooth blood flow to be able to achieve a pretty good erection.
  • Obesity
    Obese people have the potential to suffer greater impotence than older people. This is because obesity will lead to various complications that further complicate erectile ability. Among these are hormonal imbalances, blocked arteries, psychological disorders, insulin resistance, and others. 
  • Diabetes
    About 30-75% of diabetics experience impotence problems. This happens because of high blood sugar levels which will inhibit the production of nitrogen oxides. As a result, the penis muscles will not be able to relax optimally, blood vessels do not expand optimally, until finally the blood entering the penis area is not enough to make an erection.
  • Numerous diseases of nervous breakdownThe process of erection begins with stimulation, which is then transmitted to the brain through the nervous system. So if someone suffers from a neurological disorder, such as a stroke or Parkinson's disease, the process of delivering stimuli to the brain will be disrupted. Not infrequently, people with medical conditions are difficult to raise libido.
  • Consumption of alcoholic drinks Alcoholicdrinks cause dehydration which means the blood volume will decrease. Alcohol also triggers the production of angiotensin hormone which inhibits erection. Long-term alcohol consumption will also turn off nerve cells, so sexual arousal will be difficult to reach the brain to arouse passion.
  • Cigarette consumptionVarious chemicals contained in cigarettes can damage blood vessels, including blood vessels in the penis. If this happens, then the blood can not be collected there to form an erection. The good news, smokers who experience impotence can gradually improve after stopping smoking.
  • Cancer TreatmentSeveral cases of impotence are found in cancer patients, especially prostate cancer. However, cancer itself actually does not have any impact on male sexual performance. The real cause is chemotherapy, where this process can suppress the production of the hormone testosterone and disrupt the nervous system.
  • Various types of sleep disorders are
    erectile ability is strongly influenced by the hormone testosterone. This hormone is usually produced by the body at night when we sleep. With a chaotic sleep pattern, the production of the hormone testosterone is reduced so that it inhibits the ability of the penis to erect. 

Psychological Problems:

Although rare, psychological effects can also be one of the causes of impotence. Because basically, an erection occurs due to sexual arousal that appears in the brain. Meanwhile, psychological disorders that are severe enough to disrupt the performance of the brain to carry out the erection process.
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Stress
  • Poor quality relationship with a partner
  • Excessive anxiety
  • Experience of past sexual assault

Based on statistics, almost 95% of cases of impotence in Indonesia occur due to physical disorders. That includes a decline in sexual performance naturally in older men. Meanwhile, psychological disorders contribute only about 5%. This group is dominated by young sufferers, the age range of 20-29 years.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Work Part Time Data Entry at Home

Maybe you often hear data entry work that can be done anywhere and anytime. For those of you who are fresh graduates , working part time by doing data entry at home can be an option before finding a job opening that you want.

Not only recent graduates, you who have a data entry rates per hour main job or a housewife can work entering data into the system needed. Even though it sounds simple, you still need to know how to start this part-time job.

Understand the basic use of computers

The main requirement for you to be able to compete with people who are looking for part time jobs as data entry is to understand the basic use of computers. At a minimum you must understand basic applications such as Microsoft Office or software that uses spreadsheet programs .

Mastering typing properly

You must know that the more data you can enter, the greater the chance of generating a commission. Therefore, you must master how to type well and quickly.
Typing a laptop keyboard using a 10-finger system you must master outside the head including the use of certain keys, for example the Ctrl + A key to copy the entire text.

Have a fairly good ability in the field of English

Working part time data entry at home will run more smoothly if you are able to master English well. This is because you have the possibility of dealing with data and software using English. No need to take tutoring so that you can master a foreign language, but you must have sufficient understanding in this field of language.

Want to follow basic training

Working part time data entry at home is not as simple as you think, you know! You must still follow all the rules set by the employer. Do not be surprised if you will attend various kinds of training or training provided. If you want to learn and know the ins and outs of how to do data entry , you can search for information via an internet search engine.

Know the types of data entry provided

You who have been accepted as a data filler employee, you should know the type of data entry so as not to get lost. Working part time data entry at home can go smoothly if you have an idea of this work.

Types of data entry work include filling out online surveys, turning images into text, writing captions, filling out forms, reformatting them, and so on.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Benefits of Choosing the Best Car Insurance

Registering your car at the insurance company, is actually the right decision. Because auto refinance loans we have shifted the risk, related to many bad things that might happen while we drive the car. Whether it's because of an accident or even theft.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the majority of people in developed countries always complement their vehicles with insurance. But unfortunately, this is not the case with our society. In fact only a small portion of the car is insured, mostly only luxury cars or new cars.

Well, before we move on to discuss tips on choosing the best car insurance according to the title above, it would be nice if you know first about what are the benefits of insuring your car. The following is the full explanation.

1. Certainty related to the costs incurred monthly

As we know, insurance adheres to the principle of cost certainty. Insurance offers certain protection to you in the form of cost coverage in accordance with the initial agreement.

By following car insurance, you will have certainty about the type of risk borne by the insurance company and the nominal amount that must be paid monthly.

2. A sense of security

Car insurance protection can provide a sense of security. Possible risks that are always faced by car owners can be covered by insurance premiums paid.
This condition will make you feel safer and protected. With insurance protection, anxiety about various risks on the road will be reduced. So you can enjoy the trip without worry.

3. Reducing unexpected costs

When you do not join insurance, the need for unexpected costs is very large. The nature of unexpected costs themselves usually arises suddenly because of various needs and a very large nominal amount.

The emergence of unexpected costs with a very large nominal can be a financial loss for you. But if you take part in car insurance, it can minimize the appearance of unexpected costs in large amounts.

Premium costs are definitely affordable because they are paid according to your financial capacity per month. The amount of the premium fee has been agreed upon based on the initial agreement with the insurance party.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Mighty Men and Facts of Sexual Dysfunction

Household harmony is synonymous with sexual satisfaction that is felt against a partner. Research conducted in 2014 found that sexual satisfaction has a close relationship with the quality of relationships with partners.
The importance of sexual satisfaction in a paired life makes the criteria of a "mighty man" one of the requirements needed to increase sexual satisfaction.
"Mighty men" are generally cialis online synonymous with the strength and endurance of men when having sexual relations with their partners. However, there are some sexual dysfunctions that can prevent men from getting the title "mighty man".

Sexual Dysfunction Category

Sexual dysfunction is a disorder that is experienced while having sexual relations.
Sexual dysfunction can be experienced by all ages and genders. Sexual dysfunction in men is a fairly common disorder and makes men try to look for recipes to become "mighty men".
Broadly speaking, sexual dysfunction is divided into four categories, namely:
  • Sexual arousal disorder, this disorder occurs when a man can not be physically excited even though emotionally already feeling passionate.
  • An orgasmic disorder, a disorder experienced when a man is unable to reach orgasm or takes a very long time to reach orgasm .
  • Pain disorders, disorders that include pain during intercourse.
  • Sexual desire disorder, a disorder characterized by conditions of absence or lack of desire to have sexual relations.

Sexual Dysfunction that Harasses Mighty Men

Sexual dysfunction in men that often occurs and makes men frustrated to achieve the title "mighty man" is:
  • Premature Ejaculation (Premature Ejaculation)
Conditions when men experience ejaculation that is too fast than desired by the man and his partner. Usually men will be considered to have premature ejaculation if ejaculation occurs less than one minute after penetration. Premature ejaculation makes it seem as if the time to enjoy sexual activity is lacking.
The cause of premature ejaculation is not only a psychological problem, but this condition occurs due to a complex interaction between psychological and biological factors. Psychological factors that are meant for example are a history of sexual violence, depression , or a bad view of the body itself.
While biologically, the causes that contribute to premature ejaculation are abnormal hormone levels, inflammation or infection in the prostate or urethra and heredity.
  • Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
In contrast to premature ejaculation which is synonymous with endurance, erectile dysfunction or impotence is identical to strength in "mighty men".
Impotence is the inability of men to have an erection or requires a very long time to experience an erection. Impotence can cause embarrassment and frustration in men.
However, please note that erectile dysfunction can be a sign of another medical condition, such as heart disease , high cholesterol , high blood pressure , diabetes , obesity . Therefore, consult a doctor if you feel very disturbed by this problem.
  • Delayed ejaculation
The right time is crucial in sexual satisfaction of a partner. Prolonged ejaculation or even the inability to experience ejaculation can cause stress in a paired life.
Usually men who experience delayed ejaculation need more than 30 minutes to be able to ejaculate. In fact, some men don't ejaculate at all.
Like other causes of sexual dysfunction, this condition is also caused by psychological and biological factors. In addition, certain medications such as antidepressants, some high blood pressure medications, diuretics and antipsychotic drugs can also cause delayed ejaculation.

Are there ways to deal with sexual dysfunction?

Checking with a doctor will help to provide the right treatment. You do not need to hesitate to get checked out just because shame is considered not a mighty man. Appropriate treatment can help overcome the problem of sexual dysfunction that is experienced based on the cause.
Generally doctors will provide treatment in the form of drugs to accelerate blood circulation to the penis or the installation of certain tools that can help the function of male vital organs.

In addition to drugs and equipment installation, sufferers can also participate in sex therapy or psychotherapy, and learn techniques that can help when having sex with a partner.

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Through all of the above, workshop UMKM his work brings people together to understand and experiment with their individual and mutual roles...